Saturday, August 31, 2019

Team to Achieve Milennium

CASE STUDY ANALYSIS OF: USING TEAMS to ACHIEVE MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS CASE STUDY FOR HCA 6225-01 California State University East Bay – Hayward 02/21/13 1. One feature of the team in this case is frequent turnover among team members. How might turnover among team members affect team performance? What approaches can team leaders to take to minimize potential negative impacts of turnover and gain advantages, if any? Employee/team member turnover may be mostly a negative issue, yet it can become positive if only controlled by the organization correctly and appropriately.Turnover is often utilized as an indicator of the organization performance and it can easily be observed negatively towards the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. Also, turnover is a natural outcome of an organization which is why it has to be kept to a minimum. In order to minimize the impact of turnover is to first address and understand the issue and cause of the turnover. The purpose of knowing is to raise alertness as to investigate for the â€Å"why†.Once the organization finds out the reasons and cause of turnover, there are variety of actions that the organizations and leadership can execute in order to prevent the effects and impacts of turnover. By ensuring that management learns the cause of turnover and act accordingly, turnover may be reduces or controlled. Lyman Coleman (1989) offers ideas on how to correct and prevent turnovers. His recommendation includes institution of exit interviews and other methods of finding reasons for people turnover. Also the following: * Get involved in finding our the cause of turnover Bring attention to bottom line figures and how turnover affects everyone * Have an open door policy style of managing to allow members to comment on what might be bothering them about their job and roles. * Realize there is more that one problem and pay attention to all. Stay alert * Execute periodic audits of job satisfaction * Have str ict hiring standards * Develop and constant training strategies * Conduct member meetings One of the best recommendation is to have open door policy that will allows the team leaders/organization to hear of issues prior to escalating.Finding and learning about the member job satisfaction and exhaustion early can eliminate turnover. But on the other hand, turnover can be beneficial to the organization by learning which team member to elimination/terminating poor performances that affect the organizations performance, this allowing for internal promotion and hiring new team members with innovative ideas. New team members can often bring positive input into the organization that can help handle turnover (Cintron, p4) In class lectures, team characteristics are discuss which are the following: * Team size, composition, and diversity: Too few or too many members may reduce performance * Diversity affects way individuals perceive each other and how well they work together * Status differe nces: * May motivate others or act as source of conflict and tension * Psychological safety * Perceptions about consequences of interpersonal risks in work environment * Team norms * Standard shared by team members regulating member behavior * Team cohesiveness * Extent members are committed to group task As a result it will follow into the model of team effectiveness. (HCA 6225, CH5) 2.Consumers or patients are sometimes involved in quality improvement teams, but in this role, they may feel that their voices are unimportant or that participation is symbolic rather than substantive. Do you think that consumers should be involved in the improvement teams in this case? Why or why not? If consumer involved, how can team leaders and members most effectively utilize their knowledge and insights? Consumers or patients can play an important role in shaping managed care by expressing their voice on issues; by participating in governance, management or otherwise; through representatives; or by some combination of these.So I suggest yes that they should be involve on the team improvement teams. Their Participation refers to active involvement on implementation. They can participate in oversight, governance, operations, opinion surveys, and complaints. Also according to Rodwin, the aims of early Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) parallel those of consumer/ patient movements. Managed care offers many benefits. It can increase access to primary and preventive care (with minimal or no out of pocket costs). It can also monitor and improve the practices of physicians and other health care providers and coordinate and rationalize the services of specialists.It can also control spending. Consumer involvement can put managers in touch with the experience and desires of customers. It can provide balance and perspective. Although they are being part of the team performance, their voice should be limited and watch over. Consumer voice, participation and representation program s, however, need to be viewed critically because they might demand too many services and can become divided and polarize issues, leading to increased conflict. So therefore, future challenge is to foster balanced, appropriate and effective use of consumer voice. 3.Even when team improvement efforts achieve change, the sustainability of change remains a pervasive challenge. In fact, sustainability of the teams may be problematic. What are the particular obstacles to sustaining the improvements achieved by teams in this case? Similarly, what factors might lead to the dissolution of the improvement teams over time? As a team leader, what strategic might be used to sustain change and to uphold the vitality of the team over time? Although teams have the capability to boost productivity and improve quality, they can also have the potential to increase costs and stress.As a result it can lead to lack of communication and motivation that can lead to the dissolution of the improvement of the teams over time. Team leadership should have skills pertaining to conflict resolution, overcoming communication obstacles, and effective structure techniques. Understanding the five stages of team development, which are the following: Stage 1: Forming In the Forming stage, personal relations are characterized by dependence. Group members rely on safe, patterned behavior and look to the group leader for guidance and direction.Group members have a desire for acceptance by the group and a need to know that the group is safe. They set about gathering impressions and data about the similarities and differences among them and forming preferences for future subgrouping. Rules of behavior seem to be to keep things simple and to avoid controversy. Serious topics and feelings are avoided. The major task functions also concern orientation. Members attempt to become oriented to the tasks as well as to one another. Discussion centers around defining the scope of the task, how to approach it, an d similar concerns.To grow from this stage to the next, each member must relinquish the comfort of non-threatening topics and risk the possibility of conflict. Stage 2: Storming The next stage, called Storming, is characterized by competition and conflict in the personal- relations dimension an organization in the task-functions dimension. As the group members attempt to organize for the task, conflict inevitably results in their personal relations. Individuals have to bend and mold their feelings, ideas, attitudes, and beliefs to suit the group organization.Because of â€Å"fear of exposure† or â€Å"fear of failure,† there will be an increased desire for structural clarification and commitment. Although conflicts may or may not surface as group issues, they do exist. Questions will arise about who is going to be responsible for what, what the rules are, what the reward system is, and what criteria for evaluation are. These reflect conflicts over leadership, structure , power, and authority. There may be wide swings in members’ behavior based on emerging issues of competition and hostilities.Because of the discomfort generated during this stage, some members may remain completely silent while others attempt to dominate. In order to progress to the next stage, group members must move from a â€Å"testing and proving† mentality to a problem-solving mentality. The most important trait in helping groups to move on to the next stage seems to be the ability to listen. Stage 3: Norming In the Norming stage, interpersonal relations are characterized by cohesion. Group members are engaged in active acknowledgment of all members’ contributions, community building and maintenance, and solving of group issues.Members are willing to change their preconceived ideas or opinions on the basis of facts presented by other members, and they actively ask questions of one another. Leadership is shared, and cliques dissolve. When members begin to k now-and identify with-one another, the level of trust in their personal relations contributes to the development of group cohesion. It is during this stage of development (assuming the group gets this far) that people begin to experience a sense of group belonging and a feeling of relief as a result of resolving interpersonal conflicts.The major task function of stage three is the data flow between group members: They share feelings and ideas, solicit and give feedback to one another, and explore actions related to the task. Creativity is high. If this stage of data flow and cohesion is attained by the group members, their interactions are characterized by openness and sharing of information on both a personal and task level. They feel good about being part of an effective group. The major drawback of the norming stage is that members may begin to fear the inevitable future breakup of the group; they may resist change of any sort.Stage 4: Performing The Performing stage is not reach ed by all groups. If group members are able to evolve to stage four, their capacity, range, and depth of personal relations expand to true interdependence. In this stage, people can work independently, in subgroups, or as a total unit with equal facility. Their roles and authorities dynamically adjust to the changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is marked by interdependence in personal relations and problem solving in the realm of task functions. By now, the group should be most productive.Individual members have become self-assuring, and the need for group approval is past. Members are both highly task oriented and highly people oriented. There is unity: group identity is complete, group morale is high, and group loyalty is intense. The task function becomes genuine problem solving, leading toward optimal solutions and optimum group development. There is support for experimentation in solving problems and an emphasis on achievement. The overall goal is productivit y through problem solving and work. Stage 5: AdjourningThe final stage, Adjourning, involves the termination of task behaviors and disengagement from relationships. A planned conclusion usually includes recognition for participation and achievement and an opportunity for members to say personal goodbyes. Concluding a group can create some apprehension – in effect, a minor crisis. The termination of the group is a regressive movement from giving up control to giving up inclusion in the group. The most effective interventions in this stage are those that facilitate task termination and the disengagement process. Reference: Burns, L. Bradley, E. , and Weiner, B. (2012). Shortell & Kaluzny's Health Care Management: Organization Design ; Behavior, (6th Edition), Clifton Park, New York: Delmar Cengage Learning. Cintron, Rene. Employee Turnover: Causes, Effects, and Prevention. Retrieved on February 09, 2013 from www. renecintron. com/files/Employee_Turnover. doc Coleman, L. G (1989 , December 4) Human Resources Management: An Experimental Approach )2nd custom edition) Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. HCA 6225-01. Chapter 05 powerpoint. Retrieved on February 08,2013 from https://bb. csueastbay. du/webapps/portal/frameset. jsp? tab_tab_group_id=_30_1;url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D%20_396854_1%26url%3D Marc A. Rodwin, May 1998. Address comments to Marc A. Rodwin, Associate Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. 47405 Tuckman, B. (1965) Developmental Sequence in Small Groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384-399.? Tuckman, B. ; Jensen, M. (1977) Stages of Small Group Development. Group and Organizational Studies, 2, 419- 427. http://www. drexel. edu/oca/l/tipsheets/Group_Development. pdf

Friday, August 30, 2019

Morality, Behavior and Personality May Be Influenced Essay

Discuss how one’s morality, behavior and personality may be influenced by adoption of a cyber-ego in a Virtual Environment; in respect to both the person adopting the cyber-ego and any observers/participants within the same VE. When one is in a virtual environment for long, one soon becomes convinced that the cyber space world is the real world which is the turning point in his life after which everything turns against him. This virtual world that is mistaken to be the real world is a parallel world that one is in. the presence of one in the virtual world that is non–existent leads one to fall in a state is consciousness which is very different from the one in the real world. After this, one starts to think differently, act in a way one has never acted before and a lot of other things that soon do not make sense to him self either, but this is a fact that although one knows there is something wrong, one can not help it. (Johnson 2003) It becomes a part of one’s life and is difficult to get out of it. After being in a parallel universe that is all made up, there is different stimuli that then change and guides our behaviors. It is a journey which a lot of people find interesting. On their journey to no where, when they are entering the virtual world, they take along the best ethics that their religion could teach them, wonderful morals that they learnt from their parents since they were kids and the cultural ethics that they grew in since they were kids; all that is with them when they are entering the virtual world, but it is ironic that when they come out of it for something they are completely different. (Pritchard 2000) One is a completely different individual which some how loses all its values that were taught to him or her during their life span and all the ethics and morals that they learned while they were in school and all that goes deep down the drain. How the virtual world affects culture, values, morals, ethics and perception of which people are and of what the world is, changes; is what will be discussing through out this report. (Ess 2006) When one enters a virtual environment, it is a battle of what is real and what one has left behind. This is where one’s cyber ego comes into picture. In addition, Cyber ego is primarily what a person thinks of one self in a virtual environment. There is no doubt that there is a lot of artificial intelligence involved in the so called virtual environment that one enters in, but there is a problem of cyber ego that makes many individuals question themselves before entering an environment as such. The moral values are lost and this is not only true but has been experienced by many people who have made a mistake of entering a virtual environment. Talking to different people, people that one is not aware of as ever even existing before they started talking in the cyber world, it changes one’s attitude and the stimuli that one guided the person’s perception and state of emotion; this all mutate and make the individual a different person, for all wrong reasons. (Schultz 2005) There are a lot of things that have an impact on our morals and ethics. For example, the more time one spends on it, the more aggressive one gets. This aggressiveness can be because one can no more differentiate between the real world that one lives in and the virtual world that one is in most of the time of the day. This aggressiveness adds to the change in one’s attitude and hence personality. (Ess 2006) The changes in one’s attitude and personality all depends on how much one might be engrossed in cyber ego. How much one would want oneself to be a part of the virtual environment and adopt cyber ego is the question that will also answer how much a person changes and becomes a truly different person that one was not. It is the difference of decisions that one makes that leads one towards developing a cyber ego being unhealthy to an extent that it would drive the life long morals and ethics out of the person and make one a totally different person. Having this said, it is of utter concern of as to how the changes take place. Some claim that the fact that hours and hours of the week are spent in front of the computer screens being in a world that is non existent. Having a personality that is not the personality the person has in the real world, and faking that personality to be the real one; if so is done for hours, every single day of the week for months or even years, yes there will be a drastic change in what one believes and what one perceives. (George 2003) This will soon be followed by the changes in the person’s emotions towards different things in life, whether it is with family or friends or other loved ones. The emotions at times are not stimulated, because the person is so engrossed with something and being completely some one else that it soon loses the charm of the stimulation that it got from various stimuli from the environment that stirred the person to either be someone or to achieve something in life. After all this happening everyday there is no way one will not be stoic and indifferent to various activities going around it. (Rosinski 2007) Ever person has a threshold, to go beyond the threshold of a human being is par a normal human’s limit. This threshold although does stop the person from being someone that the person is not, but ultimately becomes so. In this journey of being some one, one is not in the virtual world is cyber ego and creates a totally different person with a completely different personality and lastly with distorted morals and ethics. (Francis 1996) Up till now in the essay, the affect of cyber ego on people who adapt the virtual environment had been discussed, but now the observer’s part of the thesis will be discussed. When a person adopts and gets used to of being in the virtual environment, one has a very different personality inside the virtual world. This personality and morals that one supposedly has is entirely and completely different than that of the real world. While people are observing the same person through out, they get a very different person outside the virtual world. Although if the same talk is held in the cyber environment, the person is said to have morals, ethics and cultural values – almost all of which go against the ones that the person has in the real world – people would not really know the difference. The question that a lot of the people adapting such habits as to being a completely and totally different person over the internet is said to be something that one should not be proud of. Although research tells us that it is in their hands to choose to be who they want to be while in the cyber environment. On the contrary, they can not be blamed to have a different personality and morals. (Pritchard 2000) Every person wants to be on the top of the world; having the perfect car, the perfect life, the perfect family, the perfect job and who does not want to be a millionaire. If not this, a person might portray one self to be something that one has always wanted to be in the real world. The reason being it is that people can not be that person in reality; things are not as easy as they seem to be. Saying that one wants to be a surgeon, is not that easy, one has to have the spirit, the ambition, the money to get in to a medical college, and a lot of other things too that come with it. (Schultz 2005) One can portray to be who ever one wants, with all the goodies of the world – only in the virtual world. People start lying, adapt cyber ego, and become totally different individuals. There is no reason why this fake personality would not affect the real world personality. Not only do the observers and other users of the virtual environment notice some cues, well the other users are doing the same too, hence they tend to pick up cues that way too, but the others out side this made up world notice changes in the individual as well. One of the changes that are quite prominent is aggressiveness. (George 2003) The idea of having different personality and morals in the virtual environment is for them to get internal happiness that they might not be getting in the real world. The reason why the world that people live in is so called the real world and the world that people adapt to and live in is so called the virtual world, is because the so called real world is so different from the world that people want to live in. The virtual world is all made up and completely fake and people get the easy way out by pretending to have things they do not possess and being some one they are not. They wish to see themselves as being worthy of such happiness and success. And regardless of the fact that they succeed in real life in it or not, in the virtual world they are successful. This gives them internal happiness and strength, on one hand it pushes them to spend more time in the virtual environment and portray them to be successful and on the other hand, they become more stable, emotionally. (Rosinski 2007) An individual is completely different which some how makes one lose all its values that were taught to him or her during their life span and all the ethics and morals that they learned while they were in school and all that goes deep down the drain. How the virtual world affects our culture, values, morals, ethics and perception of which we are is important to understand. (Francis 1996) People in the virtual environment and outside it are great observers, they pick up cues better when they them selves are involved in the same activities, hence observing the same person through out the time that they have been in touch, and they get a very different person outside the virtual world. Although if the same talk is held in the cyber environment, the person is said to have morals, ethics and cultural values – almost all of which go against the ones that the person has in the real world – people would not really know the difference. The question that a lot of the people adapting such habits as to being a completely and totally different person over the internet is said to be something that one should not be proud of. Although research tells us that it is in their hands to choose to be who they want to be while in the cyber environment. On the contrary, they can not be blamed to have a different personality and morals. (Pritchard 2000) After being in a parallel universe that is all made up by people in the virtual environment, there is different stimuli that then change and guides behaviors of people adapting cyber ego in the virtual environment. It is a journey which a lot of people find interesting and the reasons of as to why they might find it interesting have been discussed above. (Brown 2006) On their journey to no where, when they are entering the virtual world, they take along the best ethics that their religion could teach them, wonderful morals that they learnt from their parents since they were kids and the cultural ethics that they grew in since they were kids; all that is with them when they are entering the virtual world, but it is ironic that when they come out of it for something they are completely different. (Schultz 2005) To conclude what has been discussed earlier, we know that the adoption of cyber ego over the internet and in the virtual environment has negative affects on personality, behavior, ethics, morals and cultural values. There are various reasons of as to why people would want to adapt this virtual environment and would want to be a part of it. The idea of having a different personality and unusual morals in the virtual environment is for them to get internal happiness that they might not be getting in the real world. Then the real world and the virtual worlds were defined. The reason why the world that people live in is so called the real world and the world that people adapt to and live in is so called the virtual world, is because the so called real world is so different from the world that people want to live in. (George 2003) The virtual world is all made up and completely fake and people get the easy way out by pretending to have things they do not possess and being some one they are not. They wish to see themselves as being worthy of such happiness and success. (Brown 2006) Regardless of the fact that they succeed in real life in it or not, in the virtual world they are successful. This gives them internal happiness and strength. One can portray to be who ever one wants, with all the goodies of the world – only in the virtual world. People start lying, adapt cyber ego, and become totally different individuals. There is no reason why this fake personality would not affect the real world personality. On one hand it pushes them to spend more time in the virtual environment and portray them to be successful and on the other hand, they become more stable, emotionally and mentally too. Although this adaptation of cyber ego has its negative impacts on behavior and how one portrays one self to be, but it also affects the cultural values that one beholds. The morals and ethics that are affected go with it too. (Johnson 2003) Reference List Brennan , L. L. & Johnson, V. 2003, Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information Technology; Information Science Publishing, [E-Book], available at: http://books. google. com/books? id=n3D4qihAsTcC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0 [Accessed 8 June 2008] Brown, J. 2006, Virtual reality and its role in removing the barriers that turn cognitive impairments into intellectual disability, Virtual Reality, [online], available at: http://www. proquest. com/ [accessed June 18, 2008] De George, R. T. 2003, the Ethics of Information Technology and Business (Foundations of Business Ethics), Wiley-Blackwell, [online], Available at: http://books. google. ae/books? id=pDs3b2R8qaEC&printsec=frontcover&hl=en&source=gbs_summary_r&cad=0#PPA284,M1 [Accessed 8 June 2008] Francis, F. 1996, Trust still counts in a virtual world, Forbes, New York, [online], Available at: http://proquest.umi. com. ezproxy. uow. edu. au:2048/pqdweb? did=10450037&sid=15&Fmt=3&clientId=20901&RQT=309&VName=PQD [accessed June 14, 2008] Hongladaram, S & Ess, C. 2006, Information Technology Ethics: Cultural Perspectives, IGI Global, [online], Available at: http://www. capurro. de/hongladarom. html [Accessed 10 June 2008] Pritchard, D. 2000, Holding the Media Accountable: Citizens, Ethics, and the Law, Indiana University Press, [online], Available at: http://books. google. com/books? id=sAJ3A7jVCVMC&rview=1 [Accessed 10 June 2008]

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Juvenile Justice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Juvenile Justice - Coursework Example Due to this difference in opinion, people has not yet arrived to the real definition of this kind of behavior as they do not understand it better. Some theorists gave out their opinion concerning this matter of delinquency saying that one of the major factors that they think formed the basis for delinquency was a combination of both peer and the socio-economic conditions. (b) Did it help make real some of the issues addressed in our text? A sample test or experiment was carried out by some of the two individuals whose interests were aimed at finding the real cause of delinquency because they found it more common in children. In their study or experiment, they used over 338 children of which they found out that there were three causes of delinquency, one being the relationship between the children and their parents. This was termed as one of the key cause because they realized that most of the parents do not punish their children even if they commit a serious offence or mistake. Secon dly, is the peer pressure that they define as involvement in bad companies that end up misleading some of the youths. The kind of punishment mentioned in the first cause result does not necessarily mean that it is the main cause but just an action that can help in controlling delinquency. (c) Are you hopeful for the next generation of young people? The control statuses expected of parents are not just to punish but also to reward and appreciate any good thing done by our children. Juvenile as one of the issues of concern in today’s world, has various definitions depend on how one understands it. This is a matter of concern because it does not affect the adults but children who are believed to be the leaders of tomorrow. This behavior is not always common on adult but in some rare cases. Various experts concerning the issue gave out various methods but all fell in vain, as people did not still know the real meaning of delinquency and some of the effects that were associated wi th it. A large number that fall victim to this kind of behavior are children who are still under the umbrella of their parents. This is one of the reasons as to why a large amount of victims comes out from this bracket of children. Children are still weak in a number of ways for they do not also understand the real meaning of life and some of its aspects which could be either negative or positive. Wong is also one of the researchers concerning this issue, gave out his results that delinquency is brought about by so many things or activities that one involve himself in. He says that the basis of this kind of behavior is idleness or lack of a constructive work that can keep one busy. He also defines some of the human activities and relates them to this kind of behavior. As per his perception and finding, there are long term activities that one may involve himself in and those that are referred to as short term activities. The short term activities are those that are always of benefit to the person who involves in it. One of these short term activities is smoking. From this example, Wong also says that those who involve in long term activities do not always fall victims to delinquency as they are focused and have dreams of which they intend to realize in life. In very many nations, this issue is always a big problem as they did not have ideal ways of dealing with or curbing this

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Influence of IT on our lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Influence of IT on our lives - Essay Example Sheltering information has been at the center of all industries and concerted efforts have been made in order to conserve the critical data that gives an edge in today's globally influenced economies. IT has seriously influenced our lives and its impact is being felt on medicine, business, engineering and now even on the activities of governments. It is being increasingly utilized to ease the way in which work is undertaken and at the same time to simplify the activities of information manipulation and preservation. In this fast paced world demands are increasing with expanding populations and shrinking time frame has placed huge constraints on governments, which finds itself strangled in the dominance of technology. The need of the hour therefore is to expand the role of IT in the public sector and to make use of the precise technologies at the right time. Debates have been held throughout the past decade to analyze the role of IT implementation in the UK governance. In the meantime continuous research has been conducted by UK administration and a number of developments have been made that marked the expansion of IT in the UK's Public sector. Huge budgets have been streamlined towards this issue and the first step for IT enhancement was the development of an online portal that was aimed at providing information to the UK nationals through other web links. Unfortunately the idea was not successful with the English population but it registered the foundation for public sector IT development in the country and it was followed up by the launch of an entirely functional website in 2004.These websites have aimed at automating tasks such as billing and tax paying, and have helped UK citizens in saving the most valued resource of time. A number of accusations have been made regarding the insufficient utilization of resources and UK government has been charged for blindly depending on the wave of Information Technology instead of focusing on the needs of the people. In a report published by the Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR) UK, the government was advised to ensure that IT innovation was lead by the needs of the publi c rather than by blind faith in technology. A number of recommendations were also made and the government was primarily asked to concentrate on issues like service quality, user satisfaction and time saving. A Manifesto for a Digital Britain has been adopted that are structured around policies of modernizing, recognizing and delineating in order to modernize Britain's public institutions and economy. Various developments have hence been made that are focused on providing the right things to the public these include the vehicle licensing website, the chip and spin technology and the congestion charge to enable automation of the public sector. Chip and PIN Chip and PIN is the name that has been taken for the new EMV Card Payments System designed to supplement and ultimately substitute magnetic stripe payment cards in Europe. It was designed by Europay, Mastercard and Visa, and the specifications for this new technology are managed by EMVCo, a company specially created for that purpose. Chip and PIN has been regarded as the biggest change that has occurred to the payment methods and it is being claimed to be the simplest

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Advanced Organisational Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Advanced Organisational Behaviour - Essay Example In post industrialization environment many theorists attempted to define the human contribution in the production process, while some gave importance to maximizing production others were considered with production processes, undermining and ignoring the ability and emotions of workers all together. Fredrick Taylor introduced principles of scientific management, dividing labour to achieve more efficiencies and introducing rationalization and standardization. Humans were considered as just a means to an end and while high wages were given to employees with high productivity in factory environment, the understanding of reasons and relation of high productivity with human behaviour were never understood. According to the principles of scientific theory management had unchallenged powers for allocating tasks, employee relations were objective, treatment of workers was impersonal and collective with wage as a singular source of motivation. The result of this approach was exploited and estr anged workforce resulting in conflicts with management and later on labour right’s movements (Kanigel, 1997). A similar explanation was given by Karl Marx who focused on intensifying Labour relationship with industrial processes. With improvement suggested in technology, the techniques prophesized by Marx were based on de-skilling of workers, fragmentation of tasks, management was the sheer body of knowledge with emphasis given to speed and conduct exhibited by workers. (Braverman, 1998). Human Relations theories or Neo Human Relations theories presented by Elton Mayo, Abraham Maslow, Douglas McGregor and Fredrick Herzberg; they promoted a management approach that understood social and psychological needs of employees in the organization and that responding to them efficiently would keep workers motivated and enhance productivity and profitability. In this approach managers tend to identify and satisfy employee needs and they were allowed to work in teams with inclusion in de cision making process. The results acquired by adopting this approach were enhanced worker morale, motivated employees and more productivity; furthermore employees considered themselves as a part of the organization and individual satisfaction increased (Abbott, 2006, p. 192). With the evolution of human resources management as a field of study and emphasis shift to understanding of organizational behaviour, employees were no longer regarded as tools but they were considered as assets to the organization. An asset that can enhance the productivity of the organization to a great extent and better talent can provide a competitive edge in the market. With adopted learning and development practices and focus on human resource development activities it was realized that the skill possessed by this human capital can be incremented (Gennard & Judge, 2002). The major enforcer for giving importance to human emotions and understanding their needs was industrialization process, which gave birt h to complex jobs and structures; creativity in employees was cherished and management structures were enhanced with introduction of performance management techniques, reward and recognition practices along with talent management. Companies adopting this approach considered workplace relations as an important factor in success, collaboration in between teams along with management and employees became vital with a unique organizational culture with reliable and honest leadership possessing a realistic vision. The practice of unifying individual goals with organizational goals grew in importance and communication processes were opened up with an emphasis on collectivism, which means that collective interests are served better by working

Monday, August 26, 2019

Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Security - Essay Example Overseeing and sustaining these kinds of initiatives in an active environment is certainly a heavy burden for healthcare providers. These rules are in some because healthcare providers are equally committed to allocating as much resources as possible to and concentrating on the quality of care given to patients. Translating these functions into a convenient and successful security and compliance initiative is difficult (Kibbe, 2005). Second, I disagree with their claim that all application-to-database accesses by any healthcare professional are logged automatically. For a healthcare organization to enjoy automatic logging of application to database accesses by doctors, nurses, lab technicians, and administrators, it has to employ additional security and identity management solutions. Unfortunately, HITECH does not cover these additional technological solutions even though HIPAA requires that all healthcare providers do (Kibbe, 2005). When medical practitioners and other healthcare professionals within a single healthcare organization enter data freely into a secure database through an application-to-database access, links healthcare providers are authorized to access the same data as well. This approach may eliminate redundant paperwork and lower administrative burden, but increases the risk of intrusion by unscrupulous parties in linked healthcare organizations. Ensuring that applicable system events such as bo oting and rebooting are logged is important because developers have to support the secure conveying of these logs from the applications to administrators. Accesses made by healthcare professionals have to be compliant with regulations imposed across all of the different scaled and levels of healthcare provision and services. Some of the regulations present in the HITECH act and HIPAA are unclear (Kibbe, 2005). Lastly, I agree that doctors need quick

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Video review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Video review - Essay Example That is, it could be fitted to be suitable to what the engineers or customers wanted. The traditional iron triangle of waterfall was more rigid and could not accommodate some alterations. The modifications included things that could suit new customer behaviours. Contrary to the traditional iron triangle of Waterfall the agile model allowed an accelerated time to the market and allowed for aligning of IT to the business. With agile, the results depict an increase in productivity and software quality. There is also greater project visibility and a reduction of risks when compared to the iron triangle model of project management (Beierwaltes 1). Finally, it is less costly for a company or an individual to apply the agile model than the Iron Triangle of Waterfall. It is less costly to maintain the software involved in Agile than that of Iron triangle of Waterfall. Agile could be used on our project efficiently. The first reason is due to its cost effectiveness both in initial set up as well as the costs of maintenance. In addition, we could quickly alter its specifications to suit the needs of our projects better. There will be increased productivity and better results as a result of the software’s high quality (Beierwaltes

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Economics of Ram Trucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economics of Ram Trucks - Essay Example It has developed and grown over time. It has membership eighteen thousand members. This organization has sixty-eight branches. It is headquarter is in Birmingham, and it covers an area of three thousand square foot. In addition is has a library that has over seventy-five thousand photos of trucks, and nine hundred trucking books. It has also ten thousand sales vouchers and videos featuring trucks in the show room. History of the RAM truck The first man to build a mobile Truck is Gotttlieb Daimler. This German invented a truck which used a horse power engine and a belt drive. This belt drive had both forward and reverse speeds. This pioneer is the one who invented the first taxi and motorcycle in the year 1897. Ernest Holmes contributed immensely to the development and growth of this industry of RAM trucks. He helped in the retrieving of a colleague’s car in the year 1913. This was done through the use of a chain, a puller and three poles. RAM truck was formed in 2009. Its form ation was an upgrade of Dodge trucks. The objective of this company was to deal with serious truck customers. Its brand was also established after the parent company formed an alliance with Fiat Company. This alliance led to the use of the Ram brand in selling pick-ups and heavy duty trucks. This took effect in 2010. The current state of the trucking industry The truck industry is pivotal in the economic growth and development of any nation. This is because the transport sector plays a core function in the transport of various goods and services to various destinations for business purpose. For instance, the truck industry enabled the government to earn one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars of revenue in a single year. This revenue was obtained from a total of sixty five thousand truck companies.. Thousands of employees employed in theses companies ensured that necessary tasks were accomplished in order to obtain the returns. This boost on the economy increased the GDP of the nation which in turn led to the provision of social amenities to the society. This increased the living standards of the locals. Furthermore, the truck industry enhanced the refurbishment of the infrastructure hence improving the movement of goods and services within the society. Technocrats were also employed to ensure that traffic rules were adhered to in order to avert accidents which could be committed by errant truck drivers. This owes to the fact that the regulation of the speed leads to efficiency in fuel consumption. The only malpractice which persists is the high level of driver turnover. His leads to disruption of transport services and business transactions. There is lack of communication between the truck drivers and their bosses. This led to inconveniences and strikes within the industry. Furthermore, the drivers of the trucks are paid their salaries based on the miles covered. The law pertaining to the road use applies equally to all people. Therefore, the truck drive rs should not infringe on the rights of the pedestrians. The drivers, who are within the truck industry make informed decisions with regard to their driving career. For instance, they ensure that their various are up-to-date. The industry has initiated various programmes that have inculcated skills upon the drivers. This has boosted the professionalism in the truck and transport industries. In fact, this is manifest in the performance of

Employee Involvement Impacts in Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Assignment

Employee Involvement Impacts in Hiring and Promotion Process of Public Agencies - Assignment Example ns that affect their jobs.† Ideally, what this means is that through employee involvement, it should be possible for each member of the working hierarchy to have his or her contributions being welcomed in the course of decision making. Employee involvement is actually a leadership strategy in its own right (quote) and therefore could be said to be coherent with my area of specialization, which is public management and leadership. One other dimension or theme from which the topic that has been set can be looked at is the theme of impact of involvement on hiring and promotion process in public sectors. Indeed, employee involvement affects hiring and promotion process in a lot of ways. For example, it has been noted that it is only when the management and leadership actually opens up to all members on the staff hierarchy that the best qualities that are needed to be occupied at various sectors and departments of the organization can be identified (quote). Essentially therefore, employee involvement ensure an effective and efficient hiring and promotion process because there is the guarantee that all members on the staff will bring together their inputs and ideas in the course of decision and during the actual implementation of hiring and promotion and so much can be achieved within a limited time frame and with limited resources. One other impact that employee involvement has also been found to bring on the hir ing and promotion process is that it ensures and guarantees a very peaceful well accepted process. In effect, all forms of organizational and employee conflicts and post hiring and promotion disputes are minimized (quote). In the light of the discussions above, it can be seen that the research would have a lot of influential contributions on the field of study, which is the field of public policy andadministration†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Issue analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Issue analysis paper - Essay Example The act was to be financed within the next ten years for it to be fully operational to help those who are unable to insure as depicted by the health act. As a result, millions of people will benefit from employment based insurance coverage than in the absence of Affordable Care Act (ACA).The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated the government budget and effects for the ten years. The Affordable Care Act will be financed thus delivering a devastating analysis of the inefficiencies and problematic social costs of Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act still faces opposition from Congressional Budget Office (CBO) since the key selling point of Affordable Care Act was to cover a significant number of above 30 million Americans who lacked it. As per today, the CBO is out criticizing the Affordable Care Act in America that within a decade, 6 million people will not be given health care insurance from their companies or from the employers due to Affordable Care Act (john 45). This makes the Americans to see as if the act was politically passed so as only target a certain group of Americans and segregating those who can be able to acquire the insurance coverage. The estimated expenditure of Affordable Care act will be about $2 trillion within the next 10 years meaning that there would be disruption of the United States medical system since the federal government will not be able to achieve the objectives, of providing coverage to 30 million Americans. The Congressional Budget Office maintains that within the ten years the same number of 30 million Americans will lack insurance as before since the Affordable Care Act will collapse within the next 5 years. Another opposing idea of the ACA is that the poor people will get subsidies and after they achieve certain level of compensation then the subsidy will disappear when one reaches a higher pay level. Basing their

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Union Membership Essay Example for Free

Union Membership Essay With great attention being placed on medication safety and reduction of healthcare costs, involvement of information technology in health care is increasing (Kuperman Gibson, 2003). Examples of this so-called patient care information systems are order entry systems, medical records systems, radiology information systems and patient information systems with Computerized Provider Order Entry, or Computer Physician Order Entry, (CPOE) receiving valuable attention (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). Thus, this paper will be focused on CPOE as an emerging health care technology. CPOE, as defined by (Campbvell et al. , 2006), is: †¦the process by which physicians or their surrogates (but not intermediaries) directly enter medical orders into a computer application (p. 547). With this transformation from handwriting orders into encoding them into the computer, CPOE is seen as an important platform for the enhancement of health care delivery (Gibson Kuperman, 2003). Gibson and Kuperman (2003) have noted the positive outcomes of CPOE in the following areas: a) preventive care measures; b) compliance with drug monitoring; c) laboratory test ordering; d) radiologic test ordering; e) medication error reduction; f) decrease length of hospital stay; g) time-saving communication with the healthcare team; h) standardization of practice; i) clinical decision support; and, j) storage of data for management, quality, and research monitoring. Thus, CPOE is seen as the ticket for the avoidance of underuse, misuse, and overuse of health care (Gibson Kuperman, 2003) with endorsements from the Leapfrog Group as being an important leap for health care quality (Gibson Kuperman, 2003). Yet, as in any other technology, the complexity, advanced features, and high demands of CPOE can lead to consequences that are unintentional (Campbell et al. , 2006). Though CPOE also bears positive and beneficial UC’s, the alarming negative consequences which affects the healthcare, especially that of nursing services, will be the focus of this study with the aim of presenting the adverse UC’s of using such an emerging health care technology. CPOE: NOT ALL GOOD Campbell and colleagues (2006) conducted a study that pointed out to 9 different unintended consequences of CPOE to healthcare. In decreasing frequency, these UC’s are: a) more/new work for clinicians; b) workflow issues; c) never ending system demands; d) paper persistence; e) changes in communication patterns and practices; f) negative emotions; g) new kinds of errors; h) changes in the power structure; and i) overdependence on technology (p. 549). (See table 1). Among these UC’s, others affect the medical professionals or the healthcare organizations only while some encompasses its effect on nursing services. Since this paper is focused on the UC’s that affect the clinical nursing care, focus is given on the following UC’s of CPOE: a) workflow issues; and, b) changes in communication patterns and practices. Workflow Issues Clinical workflows are complex thereby necessitating dynamism (Campbell et al. 2006). With traditional health care workflows, steps are more adaptable and include a variety of checks and balances, interventions and exceptions (Campbell et al. , 2006). These consist of several concurrent and asynchronous steps that could adjust, cease, or intervene in the processing of medical orders (Campbell et al. , 2006). CPOE, as evidenced by the study of Campbell et al. , (2006), abolish these multiple interdependent steps resulting in lesser procedure reviews and greater potential hardships. CPOE has clinical ordering processes that follow predictable steps where the doctor encodes and order, the system delivers it to the rightful destination, the order is processed, and the request is acted upon (Campbell et al. , 2006). But then, this rigid adaptation of hospital procedures is different from what occurs in the real setting (Campbell et al. , 2006). In actual practice, simultaneous actions on wide dimensions like assessing patients, carrying out orders, and responding to emergencies, require flexibility by healthcare providers especially that of nurses (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). As Campbell et al. (2006) note, nurses are with good experiences are able to blend orders as necessary. Ash, Berg, and Coiera (2004) agrees to this by stating that in everyday health care work, experienced nurses are more often knowledgeable about medications than many other junior physicians who populate the ward. With the strict implementation of rules by CPOE, this flexibility of nurses especially in areas of emergency care and â€Å"stat† actions are disregarded and are not permitted (Campbell et al. , 2006). This is in favor of quality and management control, but has great risks for health care provision (Campbell et al. , 2006). This shows CPOE’s failure to support individual role players and work-shifting in the health care area that may lead to ineffective work activity synchronizations (Capmbell et al. , 2006). As such, this lack of support for the highly flexible and fluid ways of real life clinical workflow is burdensome for medical and nursing professionals (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). Changes in Communication Patterns and Practices Health care professionals are connected by sharing professional opinions and needs through noting progress and conducting referrals (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). CPOE alters this traditional pattern by replacing previously interpersonal conversations regarding provision of care with a computer system that creates problems in the clinical care work (Campbell et al. , 2006). By communicating only through the computer, physicians are provided with an â€Å"illusion of communication† by believing that entry of an order into the system guarantees that proper people will receive it and take appropriate actions (Campbell et al. , 2006). This places the blame on nurses for non-carrying out of orders as they are expected to have performed it (Campbell et al. , 2006). But with a fast-paced work in wards and special areas, nurses are more often on bedside care rather than facing the computer resulting in delayed notification of new orders, or worse non-information at all (Campbell et al. , 2006). Also, the time that elapsed from the physician seeing the patient and encoding the order may take precious moments that may consist of changes in the status of the patient’s condition (Campbell et al. , 2006). This results in untimely orders received by nurses, who are the implementers of such encoded orders. Communication also involves more than transferring information. More importantly, it is about evaluating the person’s reception and understanding of the situation and the willingness to intervene on that information through feedbacks (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). With face-to-face conversations by doctors and nurses, timely feedbacks are given by each resulting to more appropriate interventions (Campbell et al. , 2006). With CPOE, the lessened feedback leads to orders missed, diagnostic tests delayed, and medications not given at all because timely feedbacks have not been exchanged (Ash, Berg, Coiera, 2004). This disregard for interpersonal communications by CPOE can be troublesome for the clinical work. With a reduction in face-to-face communications, errors due to miscommunications, delayed actions, and fewer team-wide discussions may result (Campbell et al. , 2006). CONCLUSION With the complexity and imperfections of human operations, even emerging technologies with good intentions are expected to have, in one way or the other, unintended consequences. In the light of CPOE’s, though intentions are directed towards improving safety and quality of health care, some effects result as this new technology is embraced by healthcare practice that has long survived without the use of such. As it affects aspects of healthcare, nurses, who implement most of the orders entered by doctors through CPOE’s, are also affected. As CPOE disrupts the conventional health care workflow, it also changes the flexible roles of nurses and care providers in terms of clinical work and responsibilities. In the light of CPOE changing interpersonal communication practices, the traditional face-to-face interactions are lessened thereby leading to poor coordination among nurses and physicians and other ancillary care providers. Thus, with the promise benefits of CPOE, a clear review of the already known and possible unintended consequences to health and nursing care must be made if CPOE is to be imposed in health settings. By doing so, preparations for these effects may be made leading to a more enjoyment of CPOE good effects rather than suffering from its adverse unintended consequences. References Ash, J. S. , Berg, M. , Coiera, E. (2004). Some unintended consequences of information technology in health care: The nature of patient care information system-related errors. Journal of the American Medical Infromatics Association, 11, 104-112. Campbell, E. M. , Sittig, D. F. , Ash, J. S. , Guappone, K. P. , Dykstra, R. H. (2006). Types of unintended consequences related to Computerized Provider Order Entry. Journal of the American Medical Infromatics Association, 13 (5), 547-556. Coyne, C. J. (2008). Unintended consequences. In: Fortier, J. (Ed. ), Key concepts in free markets: Executive summaries in the History and theory of free market economics, 115-138. Vancouver, BC: The Fraser Institute. Kuperman, G. J. Gibson, R. F. (2003). Computer physician order entry: Benefits, costs, and issues. Annals of Internal Medicine, 139, 31-39. Merton K. (1936). The unanticipated consequences of purposive social action. American Sociological Review, 1, 894-904. MSN Encarta (2008). Side effect. Retrieved October 23, 2008, from http://encarta. msn. com/dictionary_/side%2520effects. html Spratto, G. R. Woods, A. L. (2008). PDR Nurse’s Drug Handbook, vii-xvii. United States: Thomson Delmar Learning.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Importance Of God In Peoples Lives Philosophy Essay

Importance Of God In Peoples Lives Philosophy Essay Text: Thinking about God helps us to resolve many problems of life, provided we take it with faith. We are too much engrossed in our material life, which may benefit in living a life of comfort. However, this alone is not sufficient to remain in peace and achieve true happiness. Much of the troubles in the present time are due to loosing our connection with God that has resulted in dilution of moral values. When people think of God and develop own spiritual beliefs, they will find life is easier. As we bring God in realm of life and depending on how long we search and how deep we delve, we may find answers to the purpose of life. It will bring purpose and sense to many things that are happening in life. We will be less impacted from both pleasures and sufferings. When we feel alone in this life and when the going is rough, it makes us feel depressed and unhappy, unless we feel that someone is there within us to protect and make us sail through not this life but subsequent lives also. Such feelings of loneliness affect our courage, and no amount of positive attitude, behavior changes and strategies could be fully effective to keep life going. It is our spiritual interconnectedness with God that makes us to think God as our companion within us. Thinking about soul is nothing but essence of God within us. It is a force that generates love for human beings. What can be the need of soul other than love? Inner self wishes to connect with others through love. At the time of original creation, everybody has come from one source. Soul is the reflection of that source. The connection with the source can be felt when we realize essence of soul and relate our self with the soul. Soul does not think and feel differently from other fellow beings; it remains connected with other human beings with feeling of love. We cannot feel united with others by any other force but through love. It is difficult to feel oneness with others while continuing to generate hate and ill feelings. It is the love and feelings of love that connects us with other human beings. Remaining connected with God makes us to remain aligned with inner self. We are able to realize the full potential by remaining connected with others through the force of love and compas sion. When we feel that God is within us, we look to inner consciousness for guidance that prompts us to remain on right path. We look to HIM for help that provides hope and makes us to sail through the difficult times with less pain. A person who does not believe in God keeps on thinking about result of his actions and wishes to take charge of his destiny. Failing to get rewards of his effort makes him tense and stressful. He feels to have been deceived and cheated. He blames others and become cynic. However, a different thinking is held by the person who develops faith in God. He does not get bogged down with rewards as his faith in natural justice makes him to believe that divine will take care of him. He prefers to wait for the results of his actions. This is a very positive contribution to our well being from divinity and spirituality. It is similar to the child who loves his or her mother and remains unmindful of own self. He or she looks towards the mother for all the care and support. A person with the faith in God also tries to behave in the similar fashion. He /she takes God like his/her mother to defend and protect in all adversaries. It helps to bring calmness in life. As we realize presence of God or his essence within us, it makes us remain in right direction. We will better avoid doing any thing for momentarily pleasure that will harm our own consciousness. People who believe in spirituality try to remain more sincere in their dealings with others. The advantage of all these are that they face less of conflict, less of inner turmoil, and are better placed to generate happiness. We talk about positive attitudes to make us feel happy. It is not easy to develop positive attitudes and shed negative feelings unless we feel dire inner need. People remain egoistic, selfish, cunning in nature as they do not feel need for inner development. Those who believe in God try to fulfill need of soul to shed negative tendencies. They develop inner need to improve attitudes, develop love and remain humble. The challenges from life can often leave us feeling battered and alone.ÂÂ   A strong belief that we are being guided and supported by God can help feel stronger and better able to cope with difficulties and disappointments. As we believe in rebirth makes a person feel happier and more secure because it derives certain meaning to pain and suffering. We look for results not in only this birth but hope to be rewarded and compensated suitably if not in this birth then in subsequent births. Spiritual beliefs give an expanded view of life that would not otherwise have.ÂÂ   Lack of spiritual beliefs can often give feeling that life is empty and meaningless, while a strong spiritual foundation can help see that there is a deeper meaning.ÂÂ   All human beings like to see purpose and direction in life. As child we seek help from parents and remain happy unmindful of our troubles and worries. Similarly, as we develop faith on God, our perspective of life will undergo change. We will stop to attach too much importance to end results but will believe in right action. It will make us to wait for our rewards with patience. We will derive meaning and comfort even at the times of troubles. All the worldly activities will be accomplished in a state of love and good feelings for others. We will find doing a job as a means to interconnect with others; to provide our services to all the other people; it will not then remain only a mere source of income. We see all other human beings very close to us, thereby reducing interpersonal conflicts and troubles. We will derive more lasting love and comfort from our family, our spouse; it will be a spiritual love that will be unconditional. Mere knowledge on these issues is not sufficient. It is practice to bring essence of God in every aspect of our life that will help in bringing changes desired for living a life filled with calmness, kindness and peace. The main benefit of looking to God is that we will gradually lose the attachment of the material world, and less affected with the worries that go with it. The mind will remain calm. The realization about God and the dormant energy, the soul can do well to our self. This will enable us to realize the divine force that generates positive feelings towards others, and stop our mind wandering here and there. The moment our mind thinks positively about others will provide bliss of peace and calmness. It has to go on a continuous basis so as to derive maximum benefit to reduce the worries from our mind. Dealing with others is affected by ego, superiority complex and selfish tendency. We try to think of own benefit in each and every dealing and interaction with others. Tendency to remain in peace is affected. We think of various things happening at a time and remain worried about any loss of prestige, wealth, status or material comfort. We remain in competition with other people all the time. This is the basic reason of our worries, fear, hate and anger. Thinking about God will reduce negative feelings. This will naturally make us to love others that will do lot of good to our own life. Little irritants that spoil our life will subsidize. When remembering God makes other things happening around us less important. We perform duty towards family in a loving and caring manner. The entire process brings more happiness and peace in our married life. We learn to respect our spouse and not to compete with each other. We need not to fear about our weakness. We reveal true feelings and need not hide anything. We feel protected and see other people as a mirror of our own reflection. The advantage of God is that all the time you remain connected with the pure thought within while performing your duty. We feel whatever we do is being dictated by the power within. We feel our self as non-entity in front of our creator. Hence, we perform duty in a state of surrender. This helps us to avoid ego. The distractive tendencies are reduced. Mind rests and do not wander here and there by constant remembrance and meditation. It is through the process of meditation that we try to bring love of humanity and God.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ford Motor Business Analysis

Ford Motor Business Analysis Introduction: Ford Motor company is one at the worlds largest manufacturers of automobiles and the worlds largest producer of trucks. Under the leadership at the Henry ford, the company implemented the assembly lime method of mass production and made the cars affordable for middle-class consumers. Ford is the second largest vehicle maker in the United States based on overall sales, trading only general motors corporation. Fords subsidiaries include the Hertz corporation, the worlds largest car rental company, and the worlds largest provider at automotive financing. Ford markets vehicles under the brands of ford, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercury and Volvo. Ford introduces methods for large scale manufacturing of cars and large-scale management of and individual workforce using elaborately engineering manufacturing sequence typified by moving assembly lines. Ford is currently the fourth largest automaker in the world based on number of vehicles sold annually. In addition to the Ford, Lincoln and Mercury brands, Ford also owns Volvo cars of Sweden, small stake in Mazda of Japan and Aston Martin of England. Fords former U.K subsidiaries Jaguar and Land Rover were sold to Tata motors of India in March 2008. Vision: Become the worlds leading company in the automobile products and services. Production of the largest numbers of cars with the simplest design and for lowest possible cost. Mission: Production of affordable vehicles for general public, with their mission, â€Å"put the world on wheels† Commitment in providing outstanding product and service for a globally diverse family, with proud heritage. Objective: Mass consumption of products with mass production, by increasing productivity. Doing the right things for customers who are society, people and environment. Five years strategy analysis of Ford There has been a sales down Ford motor company has applied different market strategy to maintain the position in new market for the current product. Ford continues to plan the special edition models of Mustang. Ford could put the next generation Mustang on the world market developed in Australia in around the 2012 or 2013. The fusion, which is now rides modified Mazda 6 platform, is likely to move to Fords global EUCD platform around the 2018 or 218 modal year. Since a long, the Ford is focusing on gaining and maintaining competitive advantages in this hyper competitive climate during the difficult economic environment. It had now faced the downturn in its sales and lost in market shares in the global perspective market, comparing to Far East Manufactures such as Hyundai. The strategies it has been persuading are; I. Differentiation: Differentiation is the offering the products or services which are uniquely different from those of its competitors. The Ford is defining the new range of products with differential quality of fuel efficiency, technology and aesthetics. It is continuing to introduce eco-boost engines for environment safety, fuel saving technology, six speed transmissions across wide range of vehicles. It has adopted most top safety features (roll stability, break support radar) for more convenience in all of its brands (Flex, Escape, Lincon MKS and Mercury Mariner e.t.c). It has also evaded technology like Active park assistant, Navigator, sexy Body Style, Interior etc. Ford is still continuing to introduce the advance form of battery technology through vehicles electrification programs. II. Cost Leadership: This is a strategy where the organisation enables itself to provide the product and services at a cost less than any other competitors. Ford as the innovative company is persuading competitive pricing strategies to its products and services. Comparing to its major rival competitors like Toyota and Hyundai, Fords pricing strategies is competitive with reference to the new technologies that it incorporates. However, the decline sales data and the decreasing customer confidence have displayed the importance of restructuring the pricing strategy to gain competitive advantage against competitors. Therefore Ford is moving towards the virtual tie on pricing level with high quality gain, superior style and interior, and fuel economy technologies. III. Focus: This is the strategy where the organisation targets its product and services at a given sector of market with great accuracy and with deft of capabilities and knowledge to support its position in the sector. Ford is establishing global marketing sales and service operations to integrate and drive more consistent and compelling connection with costumer around the world. It is implementing the ‘One Ford marketing vision to enhance cost saving and higher quality communication. It is expanding the licensed merchandise around the world to enhance the Ford brand image. Ford is focusing on new global small cars, Fiesta, Fusion, mid cars and utilities to achieve the more balanced global portfolio. The Ansoff matrix: Various strategic models can be employed to analyze and make marketing decisions. The Ansoff Matrix is well known classic strategy building model developed by H. Igor Anssof. The purpose of this model is to analyse the organizations approach to its product and markets. It plays an invaluable role in ascertaining whether an appropriate marketing strategy is being pursued and revels the possible, new opportunity. i. Market penetration: Ford with the wide range of product portfolio can look further penetrating its current market with its existing products. It is persuading strategies like ‘One Ford and ‘Global Marketing vision to provide high quality communication about its product and services. Its can further develop cost efficiency with quality and innovations to penetrate market all around the world. Due to relatively low risk involve in this strategy, the Ford Company can look forward to increase the substantial market portfolio by introducing new product features, competitive pricing and technologies. ii. Product development: This strategy means absolutely new products to make them more suitable to known market. Ford is investing in new smaller fuel efficiency vehicles to achieve more balanced global product market. It is applying ‘One Ford marketing techniques to convey high level communication, and expanding licensing merchandise all around the world to capture new markets. Therefore, it is very essential to ford to enhance brand imaging to achieve competitive success. This includes integrating companys marketing team members, global agencies and suppliers. iii. Market development: This strategy emphasis on expanding markets beyond those in which current products are sold. To enhance market development, Ford needs to understand the requirement and culture of the new market. The effective cost evaluation and perfect pricing is necessary with reference to its competitors. Therefore primary focus is need to be given on the quality in the minimum cost, in comparison to the competitors, to capture newer markets like China, India, Hongkong etc. The market entry risk is higher; therefore it is necessary to understand market behaviour. iv. Diversification: This strategy means new product to the new market. Ford is introducing the new products in coming year with global vision of ‘One Ford. It is introducing ‘new small car, plug-in-hybrids, battery powered vehicles and many more with smart technologies, economical and environmental friendly. Therefore it must consider on cost efficiency, reliability and its competitors activities. Due to high risk associated with this strategy, a great deal of market research is needed to be carried out before investing in new markets. Above are the strategic options available to turnaround Ford into sustainable strategic options. The ford comparing to other competitors, it lacks clear assessment in its pricing strategies, despite of its quality and technology. In this current economic downturn, customers are lacking confidence, thus Ford need to take step to move forward with its smart technologies, style and affordability. Conclusion: The Ford motor company is growing profitable global automotive company. It is streamlining and globalizing operations, to introduce more products that customer really want and value. It has aggressively restructured its operations to match production to demand, and it has shifted to a more balanced product line up offering the highest quality, safety, and value and fuel economy. The hard work global team as positioned Ford to survive the current recession, and succeed to earn good amount of profit in the third quarter of 2009. Ford is undergoing to most rapid and far ranging transformation, so that it can lead into the future with great new products.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Dark Stars and Mythological Planets :: essays research papers

Dark Stars and Mythological Planets One of the most interesting and controversial discussions among the astronomical community today is the possible existence of a brown dwarf star just beyond our solar system that might have large planetary bodies in elliptical orbits around our sun and the brown dwarf star. If such a celestial body exists many anomalies in our local solar system could possibly be explained, also if such a body exists there could be planets with elliptical orbits in our solar system that could take thousands of years to complete. This could possibly explain the major planetary changes that have occurred at long intervals throughout the geological history of our planet. This new discovery by the astronomical community has spawned numerous groups of people that are linking this brown dwarf sun hypothesis to ancient human texts in an effort to explain current global weather changes and possibly an impending catastrophe following a planetary body that will pass close to the earth in the next few years . I believe it is very plausible that we my share our solar system with many celestial objects that still remain undetected but personally do not agree with these radical groups and their attempts to link ancient texts to modern scientific discoveries. Recently NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has discovered a 10th object beyond Pluto with a highly elliptical orbit, ?The most intriguing idea is that there might be another world as big as Earth, a gravitational bully lurking in some unexplored corner of the solar system. Here's the problem: Scientists can't figure out how Sedna, which is about three-fourths as big as Pluto, came to have such a strange orbit around the Sun. Sedna's path is highly elliptic. It ranges from 76 astronomical units (AU) when it is closest to the Sun to 1,000 AU when it is farthest. One AU is the distance from Earth to the Sun. "How on Earth could anything get into an orbit like that," wonders astronomer Brian Marsden. He suggests another sort of Earth might have had something to do with putting Sedna on its current, odd course.? (?Sedna, ?The new planet, which is yet to be formally named, is at least as big as Pluto and about three times farther away from the Sun than P luto. It is very cold and dark. The planet was discovered by the Samuel Oschin Telescope at the Palomar Observatory near San Diego, Calif.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Metaphysical Explanation for the Number Three :: Philosophy

Metaphysical Explanation for the Number Three What is the Number Three? When examining what sort of existence the number three has, it is important first to understand exactly how it exists relevantly in the physical world. First of all, the primary existence of number three is not a tangible existence; one cannot walk through the forest and find threes growing wild with beautiful, silky, burnt orange and maroon spotted petals and green leaves. Second of all, the number three cannot do anything by itself to declare its own existence in the physical. Unlike air, gravity, or time, which are also intangible but still capable of certain physical actions such as wind, combustion (air), gravitational pull (gravity), or orbits (time), the number three does not have the physical properties necessary to be detected by the senses of any terrestrial being by itself. So, exactly how does the number three exist? Well, it has a co-dependent existence; in order for three to exist, it requires something called "units." Three exists as an application of units, and units can be any existing thing with physical properties. The units are what determine the type of existence three has. If the unit is another application such as five, six, or seven, or a variable (a variable occurs when the units’ arrangement or amount varies) such as X or Y, then the existence is not yet detectable; this only creates another type of application or formula that requires units with physical proprieties to be "plugged into it" in order to be detected through the senses in the real world. There are two ways that three can be used as an application to units; it can be used in terms of quantitative measurement or it can be used in terms of sequences. Earlier I mentioned that you cannot walk through the forest and find threes growing wild. However, you can find three tiger lilies growing wild. The tiger lilies are the units and three is the application. This is an example of three applied as a quantitative measurement. In other words, three is the amount of tiger lilies growing. You can tell there are three tiger lilies if you count the first seen as one, the second as two, and then the third as three, and you see no other tiger lilies besides the ones counted.

The Effects of Wyoming’s Aging Population Essay -- Economics Age Econo

The Effects of Wyoming’s Aging Population With new medical technology and improved knowledge about health and wellness, American’s life expectancy is longer than ever, with a better expected quality of life as well. Wyoming is the fastest aging state in the country according to the Billing’s Gazette. In addition to an already aging state, Wyoming has been named by national publications as a top place of retirement due to its tax structure and climate. In an article from the Wyoming Tribune-Eagle, it is predicted that by the year 2020 Wyoming will have the highest percentage of residents over the age of 65. With the rapidly rising elderly population, Wyoming faces many challenges and difficulties in its future. One of the most apparent challenges Wyoming faces will be the additional costs and economic effects brought on by the baby-boomer generation. During an average person’s lifespan, they tend to borrow money when they are younger, as they begin to start their own lives and jobs. Once they are more economically independent, around middle-age, they begin to pay off their debts and save for retirement. Wyoming’s concerns rise when retirees begin to sell their assets and dig into their savings to finance their retirement. What worries economists is the negative impact on the economy that a loss in overall savings may have. James Poterba, an economist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology also worries about the housing market. The baby-boomer generation has bought houses as investments towards retirement. If they all try to sell at the same time, Poterba worries about a possible slide in the housing market (Economist, 04). Another concern to Wyoming is Medicare costs... ... older. That number is predicted to increase to 20% in a little over a decade. Wyoming faces many challenges ahead concerning its aging population. Top issue to the state will be increased Medicare expenses, economic effects of the baby-boomers savings and spending, and the question as to who will replace the older generation in Wyoming as younger generations move out of state. It is up to Wyoming to start preparing right now. The state must prepare for these costs and also try to focus on how to gain benefits from an aging statewide population. Works Cited A Future Meltodwn? Economist, Vol.372 Issue 8391, p72-72. Retrieved March 26,2006, from EBSCO Host Database Inman, K. & Mcleod, D.M. (2002). Property Rights and Public Interests: A Wyoming Agricultural Lands Study. Growth and Change, p323-336. Retrieved March 26,2006, from EBSCO Host Database

Saturday, August 17, 2019

George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language vs. Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal: Essay

George Orwell’s â€Å"Politics and the English Language† and Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† are essays from two different times; the former written in 1946, and the latter in the 18th century. Both essays aim to spark people’s attention and address important national issues of their countries. â€Å"Politics and the English Language† basically presents Orwell’s opinion about the then-current state of the English Language—that it was decaying, just like what was happening to civilization at that time. He attributed the decay of the English Language to politics and economics, arguing that it is not just the fault of the writer that his words lack precision and has stale imagery, but it is rooted from political and economic causes, saying â€Å"†¦an effect can become a cause, reinforcing the original cause and producing the same effect in an intensified form.† On the other hand, â€Å"A Modest Proposal For Preventing The Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being Aburden to Their Parents or Country, and For Making Them Beneficial to The Public† presents Swift’s satirical critique of the English and Irish government, wherein he sarcastically suggested that in order for the Irish government to solve the national issues of poverty and overpopulation, they must sell the children of the poor, specifically one-year old babies, as food for the wealthy Irish and English people. He presented staggering calculations and economic strategies on how to achieve necessary solutions to end their national problems. He argued that the use of poor children as food for the wealthy will reduce the country’s population and improve the condition and living state of the poor Irish people because of the increased income they will get from selling their children. The points in which these two essays try to impose on their readers are much influenced by what was going on in their respective countries at the time the famous literary pieces were written. In Swift’s time, which was the early 18th century, several astounding issues were present in Ireland that struck Swift and led him to write his famous essay. One of these is the oppressive treatment of the Catholic peasants of Ireland by the English, which resulted in the peasants of Ireland to be experience extreme poverty. Swift published his essay as a pamphlet. On the other hand, Orwell’s essay was written in 1946, a time when Britain was in a hazy after-war state. Therefore political speeches were prevalent at that time; writers and speakers, as observed by Orwell, lack precision in their words and has a stale imagery in their messages. The way the two authors attacked their respective adversaries (in Swift’s case, the Irish government, and in Orwell’s, political writers and all writers in English in general) are completely different in a variety of ways. There is significant amount of   diversity of their style of writing even though they have the same goal in general, which is, in a shallow point of view, to spark, take hold—grope people’s attention through their essays to get them to read intently what the message of their essays bring. In terms of the persona of the essay, Orwell attacked writers as a linguist, analyzing what was faulty behind the use of language of writers in his time. The essay even has a persona of an English language instructor, as Orwell pointed out rules that he proposed everyone must use when writing: â€Å"(i) Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.   (ii) Never us a long word where a short one will do.(iii) If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out. (iv) Never use the passive where you can use the active. (v) Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent. (vi) Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.† Meanwhile, Swift attacked the Irish government in the persona of an economist, calculating how much percentage of the population will be decreased in case his proposal is applied, and other economic statistics in his time. A part of his essay presents then-current statistics of the kingdom of Ireland: â€Å"†¦ The number of souls in this kingdom being usually reckoned one million and a half, of these I calculate there may be about two hundred thousand couple whose wives are breeders; from which number I subtract thirty thousand couples who are able to maintain their own children, although I apprehend there cannot be so many, under the present distresses of the kingdom; but this being granted, there will remain an hundred and seventy thousand breeders. I again subtract fifty thousand for those women who miscarry, or whose children die by accident or disease within the year. There only remains one hundred and twenty thousand children of poor parents annually born†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The essays also differed in the type of language their authors used. Orwell’s â€Å"Politics and the English Language† used literal language. He said his points straight and direct, with no figurative speech whatsoever. Neither did he used euphemisms in criticizing the words and sentences and essays of the writers who, according to him, are faulty in their use of the English language: â€Å"These five passages have not been picked out because they are especially bad — I could have quoted far worse if I had chosen — but because they illustrate various of the mental vices from which we now suffer. They are a little below the average, but are fairly representative examples. I number them so that i can refer back to them when necessary: 1. I am not, indeed, sure whether it is not true to say that the Milton who once seemed not unlike a seventeenth-century Shelley had not become, out of an experience ever more bitter in each year, more alien [sic] to the founder of that Jesuit sect which nothing could induce him to tolerate. Professor Harold Laski (Essay in Freedom of Expression)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  On the other hand, the language of Swift’s essay, â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, is entirely figurative. The essay is classified as a political satire, incorporated with much sarcasm and irony. His irrational argument, which is to use the babies of poor families in Ireland as food for the wealthy English and Irish people, intensified by exaggeration, is actually a metaphor to attack the policies of the Irish government at that time. â€Å"†¦and therefore whoever could find out a fair, cheap, and easy method of making these children sound, useful members of the commonwealth would deserve so well of the public as to have his statue set up for a preserver of the nation†¦ †¦a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee or a ragout.†

Friday, August 16, 2019

Custom Coffee Essay

I believe Custom Coffee & Chocolate mission is to establish a small cafà © where they and their customers could indulge their love of good coffee and fine chocolates. Bonnie and Stacy, recent college roommates, wanted a location that got a lot of foot traffic from shoppers and businesses. Their desire was to target a place near the university because they knew and understood those customers well. The purpose of the cafe’ is to serve unique coffee blends and specialty chocolates, and the business plan included purchasing only fair trade coffee and chocolates made by a few local suppliers. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strengths – Having a good location where public transportation is not a issue. The owners will be selling products that are considered to be good quality, near top of the line. Customers have the options of eating in or taking out their purchases. Weakness – The shop is pretty small, and can only hold a certain amount of customers, and they will need more funding to expand. Opportunity – The opportunities are unlimited, expanding the menu to include baked chocolates, desserts, tea and other beverages. If the businesses continue to grow, Bonnie & Stacy may be able to start a small franchise. Threats – I don’t detect any threats, unless a similar business moves in the same location. Bonnie & Stacy are doing all the right things to make their cafe’ affordable, and customer friendly. It is a nice place for friends and family to meet and chat while having a cup of coffee or reading the newspaper. Comfort is always important to me, so I like the idea of them having comfortable seating. Putting up a website and blog page might be helpful to customers and potential customers, for information and feedback. I don’t believe that delivery would be a good thing right now, maybe in another six months. Great job Bonnie & Stacy, you knew what you wanted and went for it. I wish you much success.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Introduction to Sociology Essay

1. The Philippines is one of the third world countries in the world. This means that the country belongs to some of the poorest countries compared to the United States and the United Kingdom. People who live in third world countries are not necessarily all poor. Some of them are also rich and have their own businesses. These people can eat more than three times a day, send their children to private schools, and enjoy the luxuries that their money can buy. However, majority of the people in third world countries are poor. Some are homeless. Many have no source of income and therefore cannot provide for their families. It is not surprising that many people choose to go to first world countries like the United States to work for better opportunities. For Vicky, there is no doubt that the decision to find work in a foreign country was hard. She has her own family with a husband and two children to take care of. She left her family to earn money for the family. Although she did have a job in the Philippines, this was not enough to take care of the family’s financial needs. She did not want to be separated from her family but she needed to travel because she knew that if she stayed in the Philippines, her family will suffer. Vicky is not alone in this kind of situation. The Philippines is one of the most known countries who have the greatest number of overseas workers because of the situation in their country. They try to find work not only in the United States but also in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Financial need is the number one reason for them to work outside the country. 2. Because Vicky is not a native of the United States, it is most likely that she will experience some difficulties while working here. First, she might encounter discrimination due to her color and race. Although the United States is a very diverse country, discrimination still exists in its society at some point. Vicky might be looked down upon because of her color and her nationality. She might be discriminated because she is not able to communicate in English as fluently as the natives can. The United States government tries hard to make sure that discrimination does not exist in its society today. However, there are still a few who think that they are better just because of their color and race. Vicky might feel discouraged when she experiences discrimination from the natives of this country. She might also have an impression that Americans are not hospitable and welcoming and that working here is not worth it after all. Secondly, Vicky might encounter problems with her immigran t status. There are many employers who do not like to hire people who are not natives of the country because they do not trust them and believe of what they can do as workers. She might also have problems when her visa expires. The United States embassy is quite strict in allowing people in their country because they want to avoid terrorist attacks and other unwanted situations that foreigners can bring in the country. Another difficulty that Vicky might experience is the competition for the employment opportunities. Aside from the competition with the locals, Vicky might also have to compete with the opposite sex for the job that she wants. Some employers prefer to hire males because they believe that males are stronger and much more capable of the work needed to get done. This lessens Vicky’s chances of choosing a job that suits her the most and the job that she thinks would reward her the most in terms of salary and income. These are only some of the setbacks that Vicky might encount er while working in the United States. When one looks at the situation, it can be seen that Vicky and all other overseas workers are the ones who suffer the most. They enter a foreign country without any familiar face. They have to adapt to certain rules and norms of the country’s society. They have to learn how to get along with strangers just to keep their jobs. They have to endure problems like discrimination and competition. Aside from these things, they suffer from being away from their home and families. They get homesick but do not mind this just to be able to send money to their homeland. They take care of other people’s families and children but are not able to take care of their own children. All these they have to endure just for their families have a better life back in their homeland. 3. People from third world countries will not be able to think of leaving their families to go to another country if there are no available jobs in these foreign countries. Â  In economic terms, there would be no supply of workers if there is no demand for them. Vicky would not have thought of going here if there were no couples who need her services. Americans are very success-driven people, which is why they work hard day and night even if this means having less time for their families. Work is very important for them. At times, one job is not even enough and they search for second jobs to earn for the family. This requires them to look for people who can take care of their children while they are at work. While they certainly can avail the services of day care centers, many parents do not want to leave their children in these centers because of overcrowding and fear of their children contracting diseases from other children. It is also better to hire a private nanny who can focus on their children on a constant basis. Day care centers have limited staff and there are times when the staff cannot attend to the needs of each child because there are just too much of them. Vicky, as a private nanny, can stay at home with them and do other household chores when the child does not need taking care of. Having one private nanny can also mean that the nanny can focus on the child’s growth and development at all times. The nanny can act as a second parent to the child when the parents are not at home. Her educational background and previous work experience might also contribute to her employment. Parents would want to hire people who know how to handle their kids and the household when they are gone. They want someone who can be trusted. Vicky’s experience as a school teacher can help her get employed because this means that she knows how to handle children. In addition, the fact that she is a mother of two children herself means that she has enough experience in taking care of children and rec ognizing their needs and wants. If these dual-career Beverly Hills couples choose to hire Vicky, they would certainly be lucky and benefit from it because of her qualifications. It is not everyday that school teachers from other countries apply for a housekeeper or a nanny. This would also be beneficial for the parents because hiring Vicky would cost less than enrolling their children in a day care center. 4. Transnational migrants are those people who belong to two or more societies at the same time. Although Vicky does not really own any property while in the United States, she can be considered as a transnational migrant because she belongs to two different societies at the same time. She is still a Filipino citizen and will most likely take vacations in the Philippines if her employers allowed it. She still practices the different cultures and traditions of the Filipino culture while in and outside of her home country. This may not be obvious but she nevertheless still does it. At the same time, living and working in the United States requires her to adapt to the customs of the country to fit in. She would learn the language, the government, and the people of the United States. She is employed here and is receiving monetary income, which makes her a part of the society. Even if she does not really want to, she still has to do it because this will make it easier for her to live in a foreign country.